Machine Name: wn1sdwk0000R3
Startup Time (CET): 10.01.2025 09:00:28
Startup Guid: 968e1aec-9477-456f-b9ee-1384a5033209
Last written DataAnalytics to Cosmos (CET): 13.01.2025 07:09:10
Last PREPARE executed (CET): 13.01.2025 07:05:07
Last PREPARE (Complete) duration: 7.520s
Last PREPARE (Complete) RequestCharge: 3031.7499999999995 RU
Last READ duration: 320ms
Last READ RequestCharge: 31.419999999999998 RU
Last WRITE duration: 2.423s
Last WRITE RequestCharge: 1152.3299999999997 RU
Last DELETE duration: 3.611s
Last DELETE RequestCharge: 1848 RU
Current Time (CET): 13.01.2025 07:09:15
Blob cache enabled: FALSE
BlobConnectionString is configured...
CosmosDB is configured...
CosmosAnalyticsDB is configured...
ApiKey Filemaker is configured...
DataAnalytics enabled: TRUE
DataAnalytics container: PaxDA/da.PaxImages
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