Machine Name: wn1sdwk0000VD

Startup Time (CET): 19.02.2025 09:00:30
Startup Guid: 592bf8e6-3c80-4149-8875-ff4c1fad2e32

Last written DataAnalytics to Cosmos (CET): 19.02.2025 12:00:24

Last PREPARE executed (CET):  -
Last PREPARE (Complete) duration:      -
Last PREPARE (Complete) RequestCharge: -

Last READ duration:      -
Last READ RequestCharge: -

Last WRITE duration:      -
Last WRITE RequestCharge: -

Last DELETE duration:      -
Last DELETE RequestCharge: -

Current Time (CET): 19.02.2025 12:01:20

Blob cache enabled: FALSE

BlobConnectionString is configured...
CosmosDB is configured...
CosmosAnalyticsDB is configured...
ApiKey Filemaker is configured...

DataAnalytics enabled: TRUE
DataAnalytics container: PaxDA/da.PaxImages

Unfortunately you do not belong to the illustrious circle
of those who are allowed to see the rest of this page...

__        __                                                      
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 \ \ /\ / / _ \  / _` | '__/ _ \ / __|/ _ \| '__| '__| | | |      
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Dear User, We have noticed that an attempt was made to access an API endpoint. This particular API endpoint, which was accessed, was not intended for your use. It appears that you may have mistakenly or perhaps unknowingly attempted to access this API endpoint, which, as previously mentioned, is not available for your specific use. It's important to understand that access to certain API endpoints is restricted. In fact, this API endpoint, which you tried to access, falls under such a restriction. The reasons for restricting access to specific API endpoints, like the one you attempted to call, are many. For instance, restricted API endpoints, such as the one in question, are generally protected to ensure that only authorized users can access them. Access to these endpoints is controlled and requires proper permissions. Without the appropriate permissions, access to this particular API endpoint is not permitted. We encourage you to review the documentation related to API access to ensure that you are fully aware of which API endpoints are available for you. If you continue to attempt to access endpoints like this one, which as we have mentioned is restricted, you may encounter similar notifications in the future. It is, therefore, in your best interest to review and verify whether you have the necessary permissions before attempting to call such an API endpoint again. In conclusion, to avoid future issues with accessing restricted API endpoints, we recommend ensuring that your API calls are directed only toward endpoints for which you have permission. Attempting to access API endpoints for which you do not have permission will continue to result in notifications like this one. Best regards, API Security Team